Changing your address on your credit report can be done by simply updating your information with your creditors. Your creditors will send the new information in their regular monthly reports to the credit bureaus. Upon receiving your new address, the credit bureaus will then update your credit reports.
Remember that credit bureaus usually update their reports once per month so you may need to wait 30-45 days to see the update.
Updating Your Address on Your Credit Reports
As mentioned, the easiest way to update your address on your credit report is simply to update the information with each of your creditors and let them notify the credit bureaus.
You can also contact the credit bureaus and ask them to update your address. Each of the credit reporting agencies has their own policies for updating your address. If you want to change your address directly with the credit bureaus, here are their guidelines.
Send a letter to Equifax requesting the address change to the address listed on your credit report. Alternatively, you can send dispute information to:
Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740256
Atlanta, GA 30374-0256
You’ll need to submit two qualifying documents. Send one document verifying your identity such as a copy of your driver’s license, state ID or Social Security card. The second document must verify your address, such as a bank statement, driver’s license, utility bill or cell phone bill.
You can also send your request to this address:
Experian’s National Consumer Assistance Center
P.O. Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013,
You’ll need to include two supporting documents. The first should provide proof of your new address and the second document should be a copy of your driver’s license or state ID.
For your proof of address, send two utility bills with your name and new address, or you can send one utility bill and one bank statement.
Include a brief message declaring that you have moved and request the new address to be added to your report. Make sure to include identifying information, notably your name, SSN and your previous address.
Update your address directly with TransUnion by sending your request to this address:
Consumer Dispute Center
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
Submit a copy of two of these documents as proof of the new address:
- Drivers License
- State ID Card
- Utility Bills (Water, Gas, Electric, or Telephone)
- Bank or Credit Union Statement
- Canceled Check
- Government-Issued ID Card
- Stamped Receipt for USPS Mailbox
- Letter from a Homeless Shelter
Why Your Old Address Appears on Your Credit Report
Since your creditors update your information with the credit reporting agencies, your credit report might show every address where you’ve received a bill. Other types of outdated information fall off your credit report after a specific amount of time, but your old addresses are not one of them.
So, what does it mean for you if your old addresses still appear on your credit report? In truth, it doesn’t mean much; it’s just a record of your contact information and it shows your current address based on the monthly reports they receive from your creditors.
Thankfully, your address isn’t a factor in your credit score. It also shouldn’t have any impact on your applications being approved.
What About Wrong Addresses on Your Credit Report?
What does it mean if you notice a mysterious address on your credit sign, or if your credit report states that you lived at a residence longer than you actually did? It could signal possible credit card fraud or identity theft.
Just to be safe, carefully examine your credit report looking for suspicious accounts you don’t recognize. Also, review your credit card statements for unauthorized charges and to ensure they have the right billing address.
If you believe you are the victim of identity theft, notify your creditors and the credit bureaus immediately to address the fraudulent accounts and clear your name. Consider adding a fraud alert on your credit reports which require creditors to take additional security measures to verify your identity when someone applies for credit. You can also ask the credit bureaus to add a free credit freeze to your credit reports to block your credit report to new inquiries.
The Bottom Line
Don’t worry if your address is old or inaccurate as it won’t affect your credit. Still, it’s a good practice to regularly monitor your credit reports to verify accuracy. If your address is old or inaccurate, call your creditors promptly to update your address and they will appear correctly on your credit report soon enough.